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Did you know? Facts and thoughts about Purim tradition
Purim is a Jewish holiday that commemorates the deliverance of the Jewish people
of the ancient Persian Empire from Haman's plot to annihilate them, as recorded
in the Biblical Book of Esther (Megillat Esther). According to the story, Haman
cast lots to determine the day upon which to exterminate the Jews.
The holiday of Purim has been held in high esteem by Judaism at all times;
some have held that when all the prophetical and hagiographical works are forgotten,
the Book of Esther will still be remembered, and, accordingly, the Feast of
Purim will continue to be observed (Jerusalem Talmud, Megillah 1/5a; Maimonides,
Mishneh Torah, Megilla). Like Hanukkah, Purim has more of a national than a
religious character, and its status as a holiday is on a lesser level than those
days ordained holy by the Torah. Accordingly, business transactions and even
manual labor are allowed on Purim, though in certain places restrictions have
been imposed on work.
The four main mitzvot of the day are:
1. Listening to the public reading, usually in synagogue, of the Book of Esther
in the evening and again in the following morning (k'riat megilla)
2. Sending food gifts to friends (mishloach
3. Giving charity to the poor (matanot la'evyonim)
4. Eating a festive meal (se`udah) including hamentashen
What you will find at for your Purim celebration:
Different styles of groggers
for the megillah reading our - very popular plastic clown groggers and metal
ones as well as more fancy wooden groggers. Our selection of mishloach
manot supplies responds to every budget and taste. Choose from
our very traditional Purim
boxes and Purim
bags or go with something more fun such as our cute hamentashen
Purim boxes and gift cards. Our delicious hamentashen
will be a hit during your Purim celebration, hamentashen sold in bulk and in
small packages are perfect for mishloach
manot and for a festive meal. Purim character masks will be a great
match for your Purim spiel or you may choose simple eye Purim
masks just to add color to your celebration. Our professional staff
will help you with your fundraising
shalach manot project. Do not hesitate to contact us with any questions/comments.
Thank you for shopping with us. We look forward to serving you!