Quick shipping- gelt and dreydels at my door very convenient. Thanks
Mt. Pleasant, SC
Chanukah 2009...
Did you know? Facts and thoughts about Jewish tradition:
Dreidels are four-sided spin tops. Dreidel Game has been around for a few hundred years and is played during the 8 days of Hanukkah.
The word Dreidel comes from Yiddish word "dreyen" - "to turn". In Israel dreidels
are called "sevivon", Hebrew word comes from the root "sbb" - "to turn".
Each side of the dreidel bares a letter of the Hebrew alphabet: Nun, Gimel,
Hei, and Shin, which together form the acronym for "Nes Gadol Haya Sham" – "a
great miracle happened there". In Israel you can also find dreidels which have
a letter "pei" instead of "shin" making that phraise "Nes
Gadol Haya Po" - "a great miracle happened here". You can buy
both kinds of dreidels for sale on our website!
The four letters on the dreidel are also known to be symbolic. According to
some Jewish commentators they stand for countries of four exiles to which the
nation of Israel was subject - Babylonia, Persia, Greece, and Rome. The significance
of spinning the dreidel is to see the is a microcosmic representation of the
four kingdoms, Babylon, Persia, Greece and Rome spinning around the center.
Every empire thinks that it will last forever, but The Hand that spins the dreidel
of history only for predetermined time and then, each Empire, despite its vainglorious
boasting, falters on its axis and finally crashes.
When you have you draydels your need some tokens for the game. It is always more fun to have Hanukkah gelt instead of real money. Complete your Hanukkah experience with our chocolate coins and your celebration will turn out to be a great success! Any kinds of dreidels, plastic, wood, large and small, you name in, you will find dreidels for sale at chocolategelt.com and we'll send them to you fast. It's almost Chanukah and you've got no dreidels?! Oy Gevalt! Buy them fast!
Dreidels for Sale Year-Round #chocolategelt #dreidels #chanukah We've got you covered!